Stop the Greenbank Hotel apartment development building over the Falmouth foreshore  and the last green bank on the historic Falmouth waterfront

Overview - our index page
The Conservation Area now
Can this really be a boutique hotel?
General planning issues
Flood risks
Biodiversity and wildlife concerns
Water uses and navigation
Traffic management concerns
Sewerage and drainage concerns
Links to detailed plans
How to make your views known to developers, planners and councillors
How to contact the Save our Foreshores group

Go to our blog and post your comments and views

Contact us

or go to our blog and make your views known to the whole world

The site of the proposed Greenbank Hotel development - on an unspoiled foreshore

Overview | The Area Now | Peoples Concerns | Planning Issues | Flood Risks | Biodiversity | Water uses
Traffic | Sewerage & Drainage | Detailed Plans | Make your views Known | Contact us | Links | Our Blog

This website is produced by the Save our Foreshores Group, and sponsored by the Falmouth Residents Association