Stop the Greenbank Hotel apartment development building over the Falmouth foreshore  and the last green bank on the historic Falmouth waterfront

Overview - our index page
The Conservation Area now
Can this really be a boutique hotel?
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Flood risks
Biodiversity and wildlife concerns
Water uses and navigation
Traffic management concerns
Sewerage and drainage concerns
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How to contact the Save our Foreshores group

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The environment, biodiversity and wildlife

The Falmouth side of the Penryn River is mainly urban in character, but its close proximity to open fields and countryside, plus wide expanses of relatively unpolluted water, makes it a remarkably rich area for wildlife.

Aerial view of the Penryn River area

“Significant parts of the economy rely on the quality and extent of our environmental assets (such as tourism) or resources (such as food and timber production, fishing and minerals industries). In Cornwall and the Isles of
Scilly tourism accounts for 25% of GDP. It is estimated that 78% of holiday trips to the SW are motivated by landscape and cultural values; fine coastlines, good pubs and rural villages, accessible open spaces and protected landscapes”

From Using the Environment as an Economic Driver - Overview of the experience to date in the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Objective One Programme, 2005.

The propsed Greenbank Hotel extension site on the foreshore

The site of the proposed Greenbank Hotel development on the foreshore is extensively used by wildlife despite its proximity to the road - the cover of trees and hedgerow along the bank screen it from much of the road traffic

Waterbirds which regularly use the site include herons, little egrets, a wide range of waders, ducks, swans and even a pair of kingfishers

Little Egrets on the foreshore where the Greenbank Hotel wants to build

Photo November 2008, on the exact site of the proposed development

Apart from birds, it is believed bats roost and hibernate in the crevices of the stone wall behind the greenery on the bank - greenery which the Greenbank Hotel's documents dismiss as "gaining it's green apppearance by clinging ivy and other self-seeding plants".

The proposed development site seen from in front of the listed quay, showing clearly how the "green bank" separates town and foreshore

Dunstanville Terrace and the Greenbank Hotel

Overview | The Area Now | Peoples Concerns | Planning Issues | Flood Risks | Biodiversity | Water uses
Traffic | Sewerage & Drainage | Detailed Plans | Make your views Known | Contact us | Links | Our Blog

This website is produced by the Save our Foreshores Group, and sponsored by the Falmouth Residents Association