Stop the Greenbank Hotel apartment development building over the Falmouth foreshore  and the last green bank on the historic Falmouth waterfront

Overview - our index page
The Conservation Area now
Can this really be a boutique hotel?
General planning issues
Flood risks
Biodiversity and wildlife concerns
Water uses and navigation
Traffic management concerns
Sewerage and drainage concerns
Links to detailed plans
How to make your views known to developers, planners and councillors
How to contact the Save our Foreshores group

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People Concerns

There are many aspects of this proposed development that have raised concerns. These are:-

Scale of the development

This is a very large and obtrusive development, which appears to be totally out of scale with both the existing hotel buildings, and the historic environment in which is is meant to be located. If this developement goes ahead, its overall footprint will be much larger that the existing Greenbank Hotel.

Damage to the environment - loss of the "green bank"

The developers plan to build entirely new structures on the foreshore, and redevelop an area of overgrown (now almost wooded) retaining walls, which at present give a green aspect when viewed from Flushing and the seaward side.

The true nature of the development ?

A major concern is that it looks very much like a development of residential flats, with living/dining areas, kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms in many of the apartments. As planned, the new piers and accommodation could very easily be turned into residential accommodation for sale or rent. It is significant that the owners of the Greenbank Hotel have previously applied for - and failed to get - planning permission for a development of 31 flats and maisonettes on this foreshore.


This development has serious implications as “potential for precedent” - a very important point indeed. If this development is permitted, any business or person with waterfront frontage will have a strong argument that they too should be able to build out on stilts onto the foreshore.

Traffic, flood risks, sewerage and drainage, wildlife, and water uses

All these aspects of the development have raised concerns - separate pages on this website deal with these aspects of the proposal

The following is a small part of one of the plans submitted. Although copyright by the architects, it is considered that this partial reproduction is permissible for purposes of comment. This website provides links to the full documents, which are in the public domain on the Carrick Council website

Part of a plan submitted by the Greenbank Hotel

This small extract from the plans for one of the "apartments", "holiday lets", or "hotel suites" (depending on where in the planning application it is described) shows what looks like a plan for a development of residential flats, with living/dining areas, kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms.



If you were looking for a second home in the form of a compact seaview apartment
in Cornwall, would this fit the bill ?

Concerns that this is ultimately aimed at being a residential development are strengthened by innumerable references that very clearly infer residential use within the documents submitted to the planners, for example in the Transport Assessment, which states ".... Linked cycle/train commuter trips will therefore be very attractive to the proposed development’s residents". How many guests in four-star hotels commute?

Overview | The Area Now | Peoples Concerns | Planning Issues | Flood Risks | Biodiversity | Water uses
Traffic | Sewerage & Drainage | Detailed Plans | Make your views Known | Contact us | Links | Our Blog

This website is produced by the Save our Foreshores Group, and sponsored by the Falmouth Residents Association