Stop the Greenbank Hotel apartment development building over the Falmouth foreshore  and the last green bank on the historic Falmouth waterfront

Overview - our index page
The Conservation Area now
Can this really be a boutique hotel?
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Water uses and navigation
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Sewerage and drainage concerns
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Water users and navigation

The proposed Greenbank Hotel development takes up a substantial amount of existing tidal foreshore.

Although the central navigation channel of the Penryn River will not be obstructed, sailing yachts and small boats do, when the tide permits, regularly use the inshore water on which the proposed development lies. At high water, quite substantial pleasure boats carrying holidaymakers also do at times use the inshore water, partly to get a better view of the scenery and wildlife.

Other small vessels that regularly use these inshore waters, when the tide permits, are rowing gigs, and canoes and small sailing dinghies - they are using these inshore waters precisely because they are keeping out of the way of larger and faster vessels, and because the alternative areas outside of the main deep water channel have many moorings and moored boats obstructing easy progress.

Small boats, particularly dinghies used for access to boats moored in the harbour, also frequently travel close to one or other river bank in order to stay in calmer water, or avoid the strength of the tidal stream and at times substantially rougher water in mid-channel - this does have some safety implications.

It is possible that a few existing moorings for small craft may be lost to this proposal. The proposed provision of moorings and berths for the development are stated to be for the use only of users of the apartments and suites.

The sort of small craft that do use the water on which the proposed piers are to be built

The proposed site of the Greenbank Hotel  extension on the foreshore

Even if the piers are not located exactly on these mooring sites, the boats need room to swing to wind and tide, and so some inshore moorings may be lost

Visitors to Falmouth and Flushing come to see a historic small town, with close links to the water, in a setting of considerable natural beauty - not to see rows of modern apartments on stilts

Falmouth working boat

Overview | The Area Now | Peoples Concerns | Planning Issues | Flood Risks | Biodiversity | Water uses
Traffic | Sewerage & Drainage | Detailed Plans | Make your views Known | Contact us | Links | Our Blog

This website is produced by the Save our Foreshores Group, and sponsored by the Falmouth Residents Association