Stop the Greenbank Hotel apartment development building over the Falmouth foreshore  and the last green bank on the historic Falmouth waterfront

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Can this really be a boutique hotel?
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Detailed plans

The plans show a development of four piers, each with two storeys of accommodation on top, the accommodation being described variously as "waterside apartments", "holiday apartments", "individual holiday lets", and "rooms and suites". The piers extend into the river, and the total developed area of the hotel 'footprint' would more than double, with an extensive area of car parking over what currently appears as a green wooded bank.

The plans were described at a public showing in Augiust 2008 as provisional, and it was in mid-November that the finalised plans were submitted to Carrick District Council. The plans now submitted have substantial detailed differences from those exhibited three months earlier, but the overall scale of the development is unchanged.

Significantly, the plans submitted to Carrick Council do not appear to include illustrative coloured sketches or computer-based images showing the proposed development in any detail. Although there are many detailed architectural plans (there are over 200 documents in the planning application) these are mostly in black and white, and not easily interpreted by a non-expert. There is a strong public suspicion that if the developers allowed people to see an easily understandable representation of the proposals, that there might be even more opposition than there is at present.

Click here to go to Carrick Council's website where
full plans are available to download

( The Carrick plans website is occasionally unavailable - keep trying ! Also, many of the plans are quite large documents )

Direct links to specific plans and documents of interest:-

Contextual Analysis

This is a 40 page document, including a large number of illustrations of the existing area, and a few plans showing the location of the proposed development

Environmental Statement - Non Technical Summary

This is a 20 page text-only document which gives an impression of the overall plans, though obviously it is slanted towards supporting the development

Environmental Statement - Chapter 2

A 27 page document detailing the history of the design process

Appendix 10.1: Archaeological Assessment

A report produced for the developers by Cornwall Historic Environment Service (Projects), part of Cornwall County Council. It states, inter alia:

"The impact of this proposed development will dramatically alter the visual character of the landscape from a surviving intertidal riverine or waterfront zone to a dense pocket of modern built apartments, which although fronted by newly constructed pontoons will be of a quite different character and function to the current blend of natural and historic waterfront. The similarity of the proposed buildings along the length of the water’s edge (despite differences in roof angles) will strongly contrast with the surrounding mix and variety of building styles and uses. Their construction will shroud from view existent exposed and overgrown waterfront walling, altering the visual setting of both the Listed Quay and the immediately overlooking partially Listed Stratton Terrace. The historic setting and context of Greenbank Quay, and Stratton Terrace will as a result be changed, and adversely affected."


"From Flushing the loss of this essentially green, undeveloped intertidal pocket of waterfront (see the two aerial photographs – Figs 6 and 7) to a substantial, intensively developed modern waterfront will be particularly noticeable."

Overall plan view showing existing hotel, Greenbank Quay, and the proposed extensions

Shows the scale of the proposal

Typical landscape section

A plan showing the general look of one of the proposed piers

Plan view showing internal details of the proposed suites/apartments

These suites look very like small residential apartments

Overall plan view of the extension proposed

A more detailed plan showing the proposed extension and parking

Transport Plan

An assessment of the transportation effects of the proposed plan.

The plans can be seen at Council offices in Falmouth and Truro ( quote reference EA02/2035/08/M ). Any objections must be lodged before 19th December. See our 'Make your Views Known' page for information on how to express your opinion of these plans.

There is a second, separate application lodged relating to internal and external improvements and a small extension to the existing hotel building. This is much less contentious, and - unlike the new pier/apartment development - initially at least appears to be a genuine improvement to the area.

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This website is produced by the Save our Foreshores Group, and sponsored by the Falmouth Residents Association