Stop the Greenbank Hotel apartment development building over the Falmouth foreshore  and the last green bank on the historic Falmouth waterfront

Overview - our index page
The Conservation Area now
Can this really be a boutique hotel?
General planning issues
Flood risks
Biodiversity and wildlife concerns
Water uses and navigation
Traffic management concerns
Sewerage and drainage concerns
Links to detailed plans
How to make your views known to developers, planners and councillors
How to contact the Save our Foreshores group

Go to our blog and post your comments and views

Sewerage and drainage

The developers proposal inevitably involve adding a substantial load to the existing Falmouth sewerage infrastructure.

Virtually all residents of Falmouth will know that for many years there have been repeated instances of foul water flooding in a central area of the town near the Prince of Wales Pier and the nearby pub/restaurant premises on the main road. In 2000 major work was carried out near the Greenbank Hotel to improve sewerage, but flooding of both sewage and stormwater has remained a persistent problem in the area at times of heavy rain. It is believed that the proposed development may feed the same main sewers, and exacerbate the problem.

Similar sewerage flooding problems have also occured frequently in the Stratton Terrace, Stratton Place and Dunstanville Terrace areas, including directly adjacent to the Greenbank Hotel.

a very familiar sight
in the Greenbank area

Stormwater flooding up through manhole covers at Stratton Place, just outside the Greenbank Hotel, in October 2007

Flooding opposite the Greenbank Hotel

A mixture of sewage and stormwater overflowing onto the beach near the Greenbank Quay, in August 2005

Despite major works done to the drainage and sewerage infrastructure in 2000, there are still problems in the area

major works done to the Greenbank drainage and sewerage infrastructure in 2000

Overview | The Area Now | Peoples Concerns | Planning Issues | Flood Risks | Biodiversity | Water uses
Traffic | Sewerage & Drainage | Detailed Plans | Make your views Known | Contact us | Links | Our Blog

This website is produced by the Save our Foreshores Group, and sponsored by the Falmouth Residents Association